Simple steps to getting started
Request A Lesson
Fill in the necessary details for the class which includes; date, time, subject, location (or online lesson) and preferred rate. Push your request into the marketplace. The market responds, and you choose your tutor based on: ratings, number of classes completed, and the profile of tutors. Tutors on our platform are vetted and undergoes a rigorous sign-up process.
Simple and Secure Payment
One-click payments through a highly secure and integrated payment system. Manage lessons easily with visibility over pending, booked and completed lessons, as well as seamless integration with your phone calendar.
Complete Lesson
Tutors come to you based on the address you provided, or complete the lesson online (coming soon!). Complete the lesson and provide feedback on the quality of the tutor’s ability via 5-star rating and comments system.
Book Your Same Tutor Again
Directly book the same tutor again on a new date, or choose to make a new public request. Receive push notifications about upcoming classes, new offers from tutors and lesson completion.